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Penn State plans to resume on-campus work and learning in fall semester

Following a three-month comprehensive planning process, Penn State officials have determined that the University can meet or exceed the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s guidelines for colleges and universities, and look forward to welcoming back faculty, staff and students to resume on-campus, in-person classes and other activities this fall in a limited fashion.

Three selected as Administrative Fellows for 2020-21

The Administrative Fellows Program offers Penn State faculty and staff the opportunity to work with senior University officers to gain knowledge and experiences pertaining to the challenges of leadership in the academic community. The Administrative Fellows for 2020-21 are Andrea Tapia, Linghao Zhong and Moradeyo Olorunnisola.

Penn State planning to freeze 2020-21 tuition to help ease COVID-19 hardships

Due to the economic challenges facing Pennsylvania and the nation, Penn State President Eric J. Barron announced plans today (April 23) to freeze tuition rates for all students University-wide for the 2020-21 academic year. The plan, which will be presented to the University’s Board of Trustees for final approval at its July meeting, would mark the third consecutive year that Penn State has held tuition rates flat for Pennsylvania resident students.
A message from Penn State President Eric J. Barron

A message from Penn State President Eric J. Barron

In the face of severe financial impacts to the University brought on by the global coronavirus pandemic, on April 23 Penn State President Eric J. Barron announced some salary adjustments; a 3% across-the-board cut to university budgets in the next fiscal year; and his intention to work with the Board of Trustees to freeze tuition for the 2020-21 academic year to limit student costs.
Old Main Bell Tower

Provost provides update on University's coronavirus actions

Penn State Executive Vice President and Provost Nicholas P. Jones has shared a message updating the University community on steps being taken to monitor the evolving worldwide coronavirus outbreak and prepare for the safety and well-being of students, faculty, staff and visitors.
Penn State Community Survey

Take the Penn State Community Survey beginning Feb. 3

On Feb. 3, all students, faculty and staff members at every Penn State campus location will receive an email to take the Penn State Community Survey to share their attitudes and experiences of community, diversity and inclusion at Penn State. Every 100 survey takers will have a chance to win an Amazon or Starbucks gift card.